Part 4: Seedy squabbles
Update 03: Seedy squabbles![](1-image001.png)
Welcome back, everyone. I promised you a plan, and here it is already in action. Good thing Hamtaro's been keeping his teeth strong!
Hang on a second.
We may have just detected a flaw in this plan.
...Yep. Hope Bijou didn't have her hopes too badly crushed there.
So, uh... Anyone got a Plan B?
Let's ask our casual observer there, for the lack of anything better to do.
Sure, if it could actually go against the current.
...Oh. I guess that makes sense, given the boat's probably some human child's lost toy.
(Also, Hamtaro now has the knowledge of how to put things down... and I evidently choose a weird frame to capture for it.)
Luckily, we have seen glimpses of what looked like a battery, and on the screen right next to this one no less!
However... Trying to go that way manages to trigger the appearance of something else. A swan-shaped something else, at that.
There's only one option for dealing with this strange occurrence: yell at it until the situation resolves itself.
...Oh. Hello there.
Say hello to Seamore, folks. He's a bit of a weird one given other hamsters' attitude toward swimming.
...It is a nice shell though.
You and everyone else in the world.
Watch this, folks.
Evidently, hamsters tend to remove things through graceful acrobatics and smoke bombs. They're all tiny little ninjas.
You're welcome, buddy. And is it just me, or would that 'V for victory' shot of Seamore make a good avatar?
Hmm? I'm not sure; it seems to have handles, so... Oh.
...Okay, I'll revise my earlier statement. Seamore is really weird.
You know, I just opened up a Photo Studio in the Clubhouse! Yep! It's ready to go!
Well, that's all fine and dandy, but a little hamster kinda needs that ba-
...And he's gone. Hope that kid wasn't too desperate!
Especially since we can't go back and get it for him just yet. (I'm not sure how Barrette could work with a guy who brings used training seats back from his swimming sessions...)
One problem at a time, I guess.
Sweet flips
*ahem* Anyway... We now have a power source for the boat, and a log mysteriously appears to replace it as a bridge.
And viola! We have everything we need to rescue Bijou! (On a sidenote: It seems Hamtaro's inventory works by shrinking things, judging by what happened to that battery.)
One very short voyage later...
Well, you don't have to worry about that any more, hun.
Yeah... That would have been unpleasant.
Also, thanks for furthering Hamtaro's Ham-Chat education. Please go on ignoring his lack of basic hamster language, Bijou.
Aw, ain't that sweet.
And with that, we finally have Bijou as our partner!
Oh yeah, there was that...
Wait a minute!
And we know just how to do that; or rather, where we can learn to do so.
Yeah, yeah.
Just give me a minute...
Seriously though, there is something interesting upstream.
Opposite where we originally found the boat, there's a little treat hidden for us. We can't use this rock just yet, but it may prove handy later on.
Also, who wouldn't want the treasure at the end of the rainbow?
On the way back, we can get a quick glimpse of the game telling us when there's an option we don't have the Ham-Chat for yet. Also...
We can check a few things that Quillpaw mentioned in her handy bonus segments.
Last stop before hitting up the seed-scarfing duo: Another long-distance conversation with Heyhoo-Ham.
Hang on... You don't mean...?
Oh, see ya.
...Probably nothing worth worrying about, right?
Anyway, back to these two.
As the source of your inspiration, I'd hope Hamtaro would get at least that much.
Finally... Now we can reach Pepper's hiding place!
And just so you know, inspiring these two to Hamlift with Bijou already present just has them speak these same lines right after we learn it. You actually miss out on quite a lot of dialogue.
Now, let's get on with the show!
...Cute chubby cheeks.
My thoughts exactly, Bijou. I'm not sure Oxnard's capable of hatred.
Okay, at least this is progress. Now, what's the story here?
...At least, that's what I HEARD he said...
...Oh, ouch. What vile fiend could possibly spread such slander?
The solution to this dilemma? Simple; tell her how Oxnard's reacting!
Yep-P. He cries twin waterfalls of sorrow, or however that line goes.
...This just keeps getting worse and worse.
Why indeed.
(Mid-scene Ham-Chat get!)
And with that, Pepper heads off to find that lovable lunk Oxnard.
Sure thing, Bijou. Gotta make sure it all goes smoothly...
One transition later...
Glad to hear it, buddy.
Aw, so cute.
Look at him. He just couldn't be happier, could he?
Hang on a minute...
Awww yeah. What we just saw there is the Love Meter, that thing Hamtaro unearthed in the Music Room back in the first update. Seems that it got a little power or something from repairing Oxnard and Pepper's relationship... But for what purpose?
Oh well, no use worrying about it! Let's just enjoy the moment!
I'm real glad we could help out too.
...Uh-oh. I think I know who that might be...
...Too bad meeting them will have to wait until next time.
Bonus video:
More Ham-Chats, more!